Youth Enrichment Programs of Crestone Performances

Youth Open Mics

This is for K-12 students. They are free to the public and open to any youth. We use this opportunity to teach performance skills, performance preparedness, and educate about using a microphone and sound system.

School Shows

We have been bringing multi educational and multi- cultural presenters to schools across the San Luis and Arkansas valley schools for 20 years. We have had almost over 50 presenters doing over 250 including: Shakespeare, Taiko Drums, Flamenco music and dance, Tablas,  Australian Bush Poets, Moroccan music, African Dance, Celtic music,  riparian rescue, Kid Fiddlers, American Indian flute, Singing Bowls, a robotics troupe, a portable Planetarium, an all-girl teen band, the Salida Circus, a Steel drum band, a Cuban band, 1200 year old scared song and dance from Bhutan, clown/juggler, Zimbabwe marimbas, Aztec song and dance, positive bi lingual hip hop and drum classes. The shows are free to Saguache county schools and CPI provides housing, sound and production.

Gabriel and Soriba African drum and dance.jpg

Multimedia Education Program

This is a mentored vocational experience for students to create music videos. These are fully produced projects that make every step of the process available to students to learn from. With a pool of professionals involved, this has evolved into a potential vocational primer with students behind the mics, the cameras, the controls, the production and the editing.

Youth Grant Program

Our grant program takes applications for up to $500 for an applicants first year applying, and $300 thereafter to be allocated for lessons and supplies for music, dance, theatre and fine art. Kids between middle and high school are encouraged to purchase instruments, get lessons, and attend educational camps. We want to provide kids interested in the performing arts a good foundation for being well educated creatives in their future.